Diverse perspectives with a singular mission

The industry-defining work we do is the result of the relationships we’ve built. Our company is devoted to constantly evolving our employee and client experience. We value relationships above all else and believe our team’s diversity fuels the innovative solutions we provide to clients.

The Funsize Family

Anthony Armendariz
Natalie Armendariz
Mari Chamoun
Partner, Head of Accounts, C.O.O.
Lee Brenner
Partner, Head of Design
Megan Shuffle Shepherd
Design Program Manager
Hilary Fenton
Project Manager
Lindsey Kelly
Account Manager
Serena Melero
Operations Manager
Alessandra Urbina
Studio Assistant
Andre Jurgensen
Design Director
Esteban Marquez
Design Director
Lindsay Rife
Design Director
Tony Sanchez
Design Director
Johnnie Hamn
Principal Designer
Edgar Briseno
Staff Product Designer
Matthew Armendariz
Staff Product Designer
Theresa Garritano
Staff Product Designer
Dina Williams
Senior Product Designer
Jack Willis
Senior Product Designer
Nicole Lloyd
Senior Product Designer
Nina Sanchez
Senior Product Designer
Sarah Frankie Linder
Senior Product Designer
Terri Lee
Senior Product Designer
Thomas Ewart
Senior Product Designer
Brooke Pippins
Product Designer
Darío Figueroa
Product Designer
Katy Beightol
Product Designer
Marcus Hultqvist
Product Designer
Tarica Phung Navarro
Product Designer
Alex Diamantis
Associate Product Designer


Groundbreaking design for hard problems

We seek designers and clients that intend to solve hard, important problems. We can design applications all day but we really want to tackle your biggest pain points and expose valuable opportunities for your product, ecosystem, service, or business. Design is never done; it requires a humble, ongoing commitment. We hold each other accountable for doing the very best work we can do every day.

funsize team product design reviewfunsize design kickoff workshop

Teamwork makes the dream work

No lone wolves here. We're designers that value collaboration—doing the work together, learning, and teaching. We support and elevate each other in everything we do, every day. We succeed or fail together.

“I didn’t build all those those things. A group of us build those things. All of the things I’ve done in the past have come from amazing relationships and the ability of all of us to work hard to put ourselves in a position to be lucky.” –Jeffrey Veen

Adapt to change

Whether you’re running an agency or working at a product company, preparing for the future means you need people living both the today and in the future. We're dedicated to helping our clients and each other evolve to meet the needs of the future by proactively seeking change.

“In times of change learners inherit the earth; while the learned find themselves beautifully equipped to deal with a world that no longer exists.” – Eric Hoffer
funsize design team meeting structure

Method Week

We work hard and play hard. Every quarter we close the studio for a week to invest time into making, learning, teaching and team experiences.

Guest Desk

We love meeting new designers and practitioners in other exciting industries. Spend a day working and hanging out with the Funsize team—and we’d love if you gave a quick presentation on a topic you're passionate about or something you're working on.

Design Apprenticeship

We're dedicated to growing great designers in Austin. If you're looking to grow your skills in product design, we've got a paid 3-month Apprentice program just for you.