


Building Internal Products at an Agency (feat. Steven Ray)

Steven Ray, Designer & Chief Creative Officer at Dialexa a product design agency in Dallas, shares his experience building a product internally that had success and the affect of that on their team.

March 25, 2016
On this episode
Anthony Armendariz
Steven Ray
Rick Messer
About this episode

Steven Ray and Anthony Armendariz go way back. They had a company together prior to Funsize and in addition to hearing Steve's experience at Dialexa, they also tell the story of starting up a distributed mobile design boutique years ago. Since the Funsize office was taken over by sxsw, we decided to hang out in Anthony's kitchen and lay down some thoughts about our experiences together. Including how Rick first met Anthony which was the same time he met Steven Ray.

Funsize is a digital product design studio that helps inspiring product teams, small and large, uncover opportunities, bring new products to market, evolve digital products and services, and explore the future.

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On this episode
Anthony Armendariz
Steven Ray
Rick Messer
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