


Design Approach (feat. Sam Kapila)

Sam Kapila, Director of Instruction at The Iron Yard, discusses the many challenges faced by designers and engineers today, and how they can approach them.

February 19, 2016
On this episode
Anthony Armendariz
Sam Kapila
Rick Messer
Jim Jordan
About this episode

We invited Sam Kapila, Director of Instruction at The Iron Yard to discuss the approach to the unique challenges involved in her role. The Iron Yard is the world’s largest code school with full-time immersive courses in 20 cities. Taking a non-traditional approach to education on subject matter that is both complex and volatile. Sam has a unique position and perspective on where design solutions are applied to more than just screens. We we're also joined by Jim Jordan, Product Designer at Funsize and one of Sam's former students. Some subjects discussed in this episode: Thoughts on today’s product design processes Design principles, design assumptions, user thinking and design approach instead of "design thinking" When is the right time to get research in? When is it too much? Applying Design to non-design things Learning What doesn’t work "Pixel Perfect Design Thinking" - ha Designing for the imperfect scenario What's behind the design decisions we make? Books mentioned in this episode: A fine line, by Hartmut Esslinger http://www.amazon.com/Fine-Line-Strategies-Shaping-Business/dp/0470451025 Drive, by Daniel H. Pink http://www.danpink.com/drive/ Design Unbound, by Ann M. Pendleton-Jullian, John Seely Brown https://books.google.com/books/about/Design_Unbound.html?id=bFeMZwEACAAJ Just Enough Research, by Erika Hall https://abookapart.com/products/just-enough-research

Funsize is a digital product design studio that helps inspiring product teams, small and large, uncover opportunities, bring new products to market, evolve digital products and services, and explore the future.

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On this episode
Anthony Armendariz
Sam Kapila
Rick Messer
Jim Jordan
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