


Engineering is Design (feat. Travis Swicegood)

Travis Swicegood, soon-to-be Director of Engineering at Conde Nast in Austin. Discusses his path from engineering to design and shares opinions about today's product teams and how they build.

April 22, 2016
On this episode
Anthony Armendariz
Travis Swicegood
Rick Messer
About this episode

Engineering has made leaps and bounds towards a more efficient process of building software since the early waterfall days. Agile methodologies have helped guide the way. As design has become more important to a product's success, designers have earned a seat at the table. Now design too has adapted to similar approaches to building software. What has helped us get to where we are and how we build? What has taken design so long to catch up with engineering?

Funsize is a digital product design studio that helps inspiring product teams, small and large, uncover opportunities, bring new products to market, evolve digital products and services, and explore the future.

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On this episode
Anthony Armendariz
Travis Swicegood
Rick Messer
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