


Great Things Come From Great Diverse Teams (with Katie Dill)

“My role isn’t about seeing every pixel but setting the standard, getting the right people in place, seeing the big picture of where we are going and what we can accomplish.”

January 15, 2019
On this episode
Anthony Armendariz
Katie Dill
“My role isn’t about seeing every pixel but setting the standard, getting the right people in place, seeing the big picture of where we are going and what we can accomplish.”
About this episode

Katie Dill is the VP of Design at Lyft. Her team includes about one hundred creatives who are part of everything Lyft makes for drivers, passengers, users, and in-house teams. Katie discusses the importance of believing in your mission, how diverse teams benefit companies in multiple ways, staying in touch with users, and how creating and empowering a great design team is, in itself, an amazing design task.

On this episode we discuss:

  • Making sure a team is happy, healthy, productive, and doing the best work of their lives
  • Seeing beyond the pixels to the offline experience of users
  • Managing a design team and being farther from the work, but closer to the people who make it happen
  • Defining design beyond a product or object. We design teams, design strategies, we design the way we work
  • Empowering diversity in hiring and beyond and the far-reaching benefits of a diverse team
  • Lyft’s multidimensional goals to improve transportation, environmental issues, and accessibility to make every city more about the people who live there
  • Empathy for users and how Lyft designs for drivers, passengers, and the unique attributes of every city that impacts their experience
  • Advantages and disadvantages of working for an in-house team or an agency
  • Making a positive impact, mentoring, and stepping forward to empower others

Funsize is a digital product design studio that helps inspiring product teams, small and large, uncover opportunities, bring new products to market, evolve digital products and services, and explore the future.

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On this episode
Anthony Armendariz
Katie Dill
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